About us


Who We Are

Search for Truth Charitable Trust was formed in March 2008 with the intention of contributing to the ongoing high profile debate about the sustainability of belief in God in a world where scientific knowledge is generally believed to be the important highway to truth. Is faith compatible with science? Or is belief and its religious expressions on an increasingly fraught collision course with science? With so much propaganda around on the subject, who is to be believed? Oxford professor Peter Atkins has described God’s existence as “the biggest question of all" while author of “The End of Faith”, Sam Harris - on the same issue - has rightly declared “There is nothing more useful than the truth”.

What do we do?

Essentially, our aim is educational. The word is derived from the Latin 'educare' – to lead out. In the best and most dignified tradition of educational thought and practice, we want to provide thoughtful leadership in the process of openly thinking through the basis for believing -  or not believing - in the existence of an intelligence behind the universe and the life that inhabits at least a tiny part of it. Far from being inclined to suggest to others how they should conclude on this question of cosmic proportions, we want to facilitate other people thinking for themselves. To assist that process, the charity commissions multmedia resources which present an agenda for a meeting of minds prepared to focus on the issue of God.  

Meet Our Trustees

Dr Isabel Bruce (Chair), OBE, PhD, MRTPI, BA, MCIPS, FRSSA
Rev Ross Blackman, BSc, MBA, BD
Dr Rose Mary Harley,  OBE, BSc, PhD, PGDip, DipAFH, DGSI, FRSA, AMMS
Iain Morris, MA, MEd
Professor David H Nash, BSc, MSc, PhD, CEng, FIMechE, FIES, ASME (Fellow)
Dr Chris Packard, CBE, PhD, DSc, FRCPath, FRCP(Gla), FRSE
Professor John Spence OBE,ARCST,BSc, MEng, PhD, DSc, CEng, FIMechE, FIES, FREng, FRSE
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