"There's nothing more useful than the truth".
Sam Harris, Author, The End of Faith

About Us

The name Search for Truth was a deliberate choice. There is a widespread view that truth is relative and has no absolute counterpart. However, atheists and theists are agreed on this fundamental point: that God either exists or he does not. His existence is either true or false. In so far as investigating the evidence is feasible and worthwhile, we may claim to be on a search for truth.

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Why The God Question? 

"It's important if there is one and it's important if there isn't one." (Professor Peter Atkins, University of Oxford).  Peter Atkins is an atheist. Many have asked the question why prominent atheists spend so much time discussing the existence of God.

The answer surely lies in a recognition of the indelible mark - for good and for ill - which religion has made, and continues to make, upon the world.
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Search for Truth puts religion in the spotlight.
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